Lavender-Wrapped Candle & Breakfast in Bed to Start the Perfect Mother's Day

Flameless Candles for Mothers Day

Ready for Mother’s Day? If you’ve picked out a singing card, you’re halfway there. But what really tops off a good Mother’s Day is breakfast in bed. Bring her coffee, the morning paper and tell her to stay put while you whip up a little healthy morning feast. And, while you’re at, why not accompany that tray of deliciousness with a little DIY gift. There are three ideas here, and we have one more that couldn’t be simpler if we tried. Candles are a great go-to gift, but moms are safety-first kind of people. So, the traditional open-flame candles are probably only for special occasions when little ones can be watched carefully and the risk of burning down the house is minimized. The Amazing Flameless Candle with it’s LED light technology poses no threat should it be touched or tipped over, and the light even flickers just like a real candle.

To jazz one up for mom this Sunday, try this easy wrap technique. Gather some sprigs of fresh lavender—if you’re not growing it fresh out back (and who isn’t?) your local florist should have some. Using some regular old twine, wrap the lavender around the candle and secure with a bow. The Birch Bark Flameless Pillar Candle would be great with this project, completing that rustic, woodsy look. It’s even remote-ready, which is an added bonus should mom want to put it up on a high shelf to preserve it from peanut butter-coated fingers. Speaking of peanut butter, let’s talk breakfast. This recipe comes from Eating Whole with Lauren Brimley and it couldn’t be easier. Not only is it a yummy and unique take on the usual pancakes, it’s also super healthy and gluten-free—sure to impress any health-conscious mom. Extra points if you whip up a cappuccino to go alongside. These pancakes are great topped with peanut butter and fresh berries.

BONUS: Protein Banana Pancakes Recipe

Yields 5 pancakes
  • 1 large very ripe banana mashed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup of cottage cheese
  • 1 tablespoon flax seed meal
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • Lots of cinnamon
  • Pinch of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon + a little more, coconut oil

To make the batter, combine all ingredients, reserving the “little more” coconut oil for the pan. Heat a griddle or pan to medium-high heat and use 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil for each round of pancakes you cook.

Happy Mother's Day!

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