You’ve got a turkey the size of Minneapolis defrosting in your fridge, you’ve perfected your great-grandma’s secret dressing recipe and there are too many pies in your fridge to even comprehend (in your defense, there’s no logical way to choose just one or two flavors). Next step to the perfect Christmas feast: a glamorous tablescape that would make even Martha Stewart gasp. Yes, this can be done even if you aren’t a trained party planner, interior designer or homemaker extraordinaire. All you need is a vision and a color scheme. Here are a two simple ideas:


  • Mix Metallics. This means radiating toward silver or bronze accents, or both—contrary to popular belief, you can combine the two colors and it works. Start with white plates and napkins and accent them with gold or silver chargers, napkin rings and wine glasses. Down the center of the table, fill two to three vases with bouquets of metallic ornaments from your local super store. Accent the table with a few Metallic Gold and Metallic Silver Flameless Pillar Candles in varying heights.
  • Go Rustic. Pick up a bunch of inexpensive, unpainted, wooden taper candleholders at your local craft store and apply a thin coat of matte grey. Once dry, use a rough sandpaper to scrape off some of the paint to give them a worn, antique look. Use them to hold the Light Drip Ivory Flameless Taper Candles (no fire hazard as people reach across the table for more dressing!). Cut a piece of cheesecloth or burlap as a rustic table runner, and arrange mini Christmas trees in between the tapers. Or consider using a few Birch Bark Pillars instead with an assortment of ornaments.