Bathroom Bliss with Flameless Candles
Candlelight has a soothing effect, especially in bathrooms. Whether you are preparing to take on your day or reflecting on the one that has just passed, a candle’s glow brings tranquility to daily grooming rituals in the bathroom – often peoples’ only time alone for the day. Here’s how to create calm in the bathroom using flameless candles:
- Cluster candles on the sink: Depending upon the amount of bathroom counter space you have, cluster a group of various sized candles next to your sinks. We like our drip candles because they bring to mind ancient baths. Use the easy on-off switch, a remote, or timers to set the candles to turn on or off by themselves each day. Every morning when you enter the bathroom, the candles will already be lit – a perfect start to the day.
- Channel the outdoors: If you have a sizable ledge along your bathroom window or tub, consider a vignette using a rack or tray. Place large smooth rocks, seashells, ferns and various flameless pillar candles to create a beautiful, natural looking display.
- Install shelving: If your bathroom is small or has limited surface space, install a small shelf, or a series of shelves, on one of the bathroom's walls and place your candles there. This allows you to decorate your bathroom while keeping your bathroom free from clutter.
- Bathtub caddy: If you’re low on surface area around the tub, try a bathtub caddy instead. Featuring compartments to hold soap, sponges and supplies – including flameless candles – the caddy efficiently accommodates flameless candles of any size. You can also line the side of the tub with our smaller votive candles.